Ekonomiczne Problemy Turystyki (Jan 2015)

Wyspy tropikalne jako nowy kierunek wyjazdów turystycznych wśród Polaków

  • Katarzyna Podhorodecka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29


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The article searches for the answers to the following questions: How many Poles travel to tropical islands each year? Does this number rise year to year? Do Poles dream about vacations on tropical islands? What is the perception of tropical islands among potential tourists? Can tropical islands become a new Polish tourist destination? The article presents the results of the questionnaire surveys concerning the interest in tourism travel to tropical countries among potential Polish tourists. The analysis covers a group of first and second degree students studying Geography and spatial Development. The methods used in the article include the analysis of statistical data from the World tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the analysis of the questionnaire surveys conducted on a sample of 116 individuals. The article also performs an extensive analysis of the surveyed sample by gender, studies degree, type, major, and year, and by the level of touristic activeness with consideration of tropical countries, particularly of tropical islands.
