Zhongguo youzhi (Apr 2023)

不同产地芝麻所制芝麻油中杂环胺的分析测定Determination and analysis of heterocyclic aromatic amines in sesame oil extracted from sesame of different producing areas

  • 张晨霞,盛冰莹,张咪,马宇翔,汪学德 ZHANG Chenxia, SHENG Bingying, ZHANG Mi, MA Yuxiang, WANG Xuede

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 48, no. 4
pp. 87 – 93


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芝麻油可能含有杂环胺9H-吡啶并\[3,4-b\]吲哚(norharman)和1-甲基-9H-吡啶并\[3,4-b\]吲哚(harman),为了有效检测芝麻油中杂环胺含量,建立了一种高效液相色谱-荧光检测法(HPLC-FLD),并对不同产地芝麻所制芝麻油中杂环胺含量进行对比。结果表明:所建立的HPLC-FLD能在15 min内实现对芝麻油中杂环胺的测定;在相同炒籽条件下,不同产地芝麻所制芝麻油中杂环胺含量有显著差异(p<0.05),非洲产地的芝麻所制的芝麻油中杂环胺含量(421.87 μg/kg)相对高于亚洲产地的(329.32 μg/kg),埃塞俄比亚产地的芝麻所制芝麻油中杂环胺含量最高,为720.81 μg/kg,而苏丹和中国河南驻马店产地的芝麻所制芝麻油中杂环胺含量较低,分别为236.01 μg/kg和239.63 μg/kg。综上,芝麻油中杂环胺含量与芝麻原料的选择有关,选择合适的芝麻原料对减控芝麻油中杂环胺、保障芝麻油食用安全具有重要意义。 Sesame oil may contain the heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) 9H-pyrido\[3,4-b\]indole (norharman) and 1-methyl-9H-pyrido\[3,4-b\]indole (harman). A high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) method was established for effectively detecting HAAs content in sesame oil and used to compare the HAAs content difference among sesame oils extracted from sesame of different producing areas. The results showed that HPLC-FLD could complete determination for HAAs in sesame oils within 15 min. The content of HAAs in 14 sesame oils from different producing areas were significantly different (p<0.05) and the HAAs in sesame oil from Africa (421.87 μg/kg) was higher than that from Asia (329.32 μg/kg) under the same roasting conditions. Among the 14 sesame oils, the highest HAAs (720.81 μg/kg) was found in sesame oil from Ethiopia, and the lowest HAAs (236.01 μg/kg and 239.63 μg/kg) was found in sesame oil from Sudan and Zhumadian, Henan province, China, respectively. In conclusion, the content of HAAs in sesame oil is related to the sesame raw materials, and the selection of suitable sesame raw materials is important for the reduction and control of HAAs in sesame oil and for the safety of sesame oil consumption.
