Universitas Humanística (Mar 2015)

Hacia una contextualización de las migraciones de caboverdeanos en el Gran Buenos Aires a partir de sus diferencias generacionales

  • María Cecilia Martino



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Towards a Contextualization of Cape Verdeans Migration in the Greater Buenos Aires from their Generational Differences Abstract This article aims to analyze the relations between Cape Verdeans immigrants and descendants in the Greater Buenos Aires from the analysis of generational categories in use that define positions and identifications over time. Three periods are proposed to tackle this process of change and continuity. From the incorporation of Cape Verdean society language to institution in order to promote the inclusion of young people in a context of growing political mobilization of African descent groups in the country, it is analyzed how the generational dimension was expressed. It is concluded that emerging categories such as ‘African descent’, adopted by some young people today, make possible to unify them in the formation of collective identities that take up the line of continuity with the past and reverse the process of invisibility experienced by previous generations.
