Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (Dec 2016)
On possibility of using glauconite from rocks of Bakchar deposit (Western Siberia) in agriculture
The relevance of the research is associated to the possibility of increasing the profitability of the development of the Bakchar deposit through the processing and application of wall rocks in national economy. The aim of the work is to develop the technological schemes of glauconite concentrate from wall rocks, as well as to assess the possibility of using the concentrate in agriculture to increase the investment attractiveness of the Bakchar deposit. The methods used in the work: separation of samples for particle-size classes more than 1; 1...0,5; 0,5...0,2; 0,2...0,1; less than 0,1 mm by the «wet» screening; electromagnetic separation at of 3,5...1,8 A current; mineralogical analysis; Silicate X-ray fluorescence analysis; agricultural experiments. Glauconite ores (glaukonitolite), glauconite sandstones, hydrogoethite-chlorite iron ore with glauconite glauconite are allocated among glauconite rocks within the Bakchar deposit. Content of valuable component (glauconite) in the ore glauconite is 50...70 %, in glauconite sandstones - 20...40 %, in hydrogoethite-chlorite ores - 10...20 %. The paper describes the technological features of these types of rocks. The authors have developed the optimal flow sheet of glauconite concentrates. It was found that the most qualitative product is extracted from glauconite ores (glauconitolite). This product contains 90...100 % of valuable component. To assess the possibility of using glauconite of the Bakchar deposit as a mineral fertilizer the authors used the concentrate obtained at enrichment of hydrogoethite-chlorite iron ore. It was proved experimentally that the concentrate has a positive effect on oat (AvJna satRva) growth. That is the direct evidence of practical usefulness of the concentrate. The results obtained prove the possible efficiency of glauconite extraction in the Bakchar deposit.