Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento (Feb 2015)
Visual Narratives and (Anti)Expanded Cinema in Julião Sarmento
Beyond the difficulties in circumscribing expanded cinema theoretical and epistemological field – due to the plurality and multiple developments that it comprises, - one of the most pressing aspects concerning expanded cinema refers its relation with problems of narrativity. Although less obvious, the mention to Julião Sarmento’s work in this field seems to us particularly useful; to begin with, for the way his work is animated by a counter-narrative compulsion which, building up in the interior of a specific dialectic between cinema and photography, efficiently undermines structural centeredness and the linearity of sequential images. Following a thread encompassing the experimental films from the mid-70s to the installations of 2000s, we seek to argue that the importance of structuralism, as well the genealogical approach to the history and memory of cinema, constitute, within Sarmento’s oeuvre, increasingly important aspects to assess the new forms of perceptive, cognitive and topological arrangements that go along the emergence of the so called expanded cinema. Ultimately, the originality and the critical stance maintained by the artist leads us towards the consideration of an anti-expanded-cinema: more than a thematic traced within the limits of technological development and multi-disciplinary spreading, in Sarmento’s case, the expansion of cinema concerns, mostly, the expansion of the criteria related with the circulation of thought and desire throughout a topology of infra-signification that emerges from the new possibilities of narration, of making and exhibiting cinema. Accordingly, what is at issue is an overall distinct possibility of identify, designate and problematize the category of expanded cinema, beyond its orthodox definition.