Global Ecology and Conservation (Sep 2021)
Multi-taxa environmental DNA inventories reveal distinct taxonomic and functional diversity in urban tropical forest fragments
Urban expansion and associated habitat transformation drives shifts in biodiversity, with declines in taxonomic and functional diversity. Forests fragments within urban landscapes offer a number of ecosystem services, and help to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Here, we focus on a tropical forest environment, and on the soil biota. Using eDNA metabarcoding, we compare forest fragments within the city of Cayenne, French Guiana, with a neighbouring continuous undisturbed forest. We wished to determine if urban forest fragments conserve high levels of alpha and beta diversity as well as similar functional composition for plants, soil animals, fungi and bacteria. We found that alpha diversity is similar across habitats for plants and fungi, lower in urban forests for metazoans and higher for bacteria. We also found that urban forests communities differ from undisturbed forests in their taxonomic composition, with urban forests exhibiting greater turnover between fragments potentially caused by ecological drift and limited dispersal. However, their functional composition exhibited limited differences, with an enrichment of palms, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria and a depletion of climber plants and termites. Thus, although urban forest fragments do shelter soil biodiversity that differs from native forests, the losses of soil functions may be relatively limited. This study demonstrates the strong potential of a multi-taxa eDNA approach for rapid inventories across taxonomic kingdoms, in particular for cryptic soil diversity. It also demonstrates the key role of urban forest fragments in conserving biodiversity and ecosystem function, and points to a need for more systematic monitoring of these areas in urban management plans.