Journal of Agricultural Extension (Jul 2021)
Women Farmers Perception of Information Dissemination Skills among Agricultural Extension Workers in North Eastern Nigeria
This study examined the perception of rural women farmers on information dissemination skills of agricultural extension workers for participation in agricultural practices. The research design for the study was descriptive survey that make used of structured questionnaire which was subjected to validity and reliability test. The questionnaire was administered to a sample size of 378 respondent which were randomly selected from the population of 6758 rural women farmers, multistage sampling techniques was adopted for sampling. Data for the study was checked for normality, multicollinearity, outliers as well as missing data before the final data analysis. Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study reveal that rural women farmers (RWFs) participate moderately in agricultural practices with overall mean value of 2.66. Also, Agricultural extension workers (AEWs) has a lower level of information dissemination skill in dealing with RWFs with overall mean value of 2.25. The study also reveals a significance relationship between information dissemination skills of AEWs and participation of RWFs in agricultural practices (r- 1.56). The study recommended the need for training and retraining of extension workers to boost their skills in accordance with culture and tradition of RWFs. Extension program for RWFs should be design based on their need and demography, this is to make AEWs to be inform and knowledgeable enough to cross such cultural factor that hinder availability and access of information