Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Apr 2025)

Conceptual design study of the tritium breeding unit for verifying the long-term performance of the breeding blanket

  • Hyoseong Gwon,
  • Dohyun Kim,
  • Mu-Young Ahn,
  • Seonghee Hong

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 57, no. 4
p. 103292


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Fusion reactors produce high-energy neutrons through the Deuterium-Tritium (DT) reaction. The long-term performance verification and structural integrity assessment of the breeding blanket under continuous plasma operation are essential for the development of Demonstration fusion power reactor (DEMO) breeding blankets. The Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) has been planning the construction of a test facility called the Integrated Breeding Test Facility (IBTF) that uses a linear accelerator as the neutron source. A solid beryllium target has been considered to generate fusion-like neutrons. A conceptual design of the Tritium Breeding Unit (TBU), which is a key component of the breeding blanket, has been carried out. This study evaluated tritium production under fusion-like conditions using factors such as the position and thickness of the graphite block, the thickness of the first wall, and the radial length of the breeding zone. The results showed that increasing graphite block thickness and optimizing the dimensions of the TBU enhanced tritium production. However, these changes affected the structural integrity of the TBU. The side wall of the TBU experienced membrane plus bending stress, which exceeded the Level C and D acceptance criteria under the assumption of In-Box LOCA. Measures were investigated to ensure structural integrity while improving tritium production of the TBU.
