Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Jan 2018)

Oblicza postawy miłosierdzia ludzkiego w świetle Bulli Papieża Franciszka "Misericordiae Vultus"

  • Henryk Wejman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1


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The main purpose of this article is to show the attitude of human mercy. This purpose was implemented in three stages. In the first place, the source of human attitude of mercy was revealed. It is the mercy of God who called man into existence, he redeemed him in Christ and continues to give him this mercy in the Holy Spirit. The next stage of reflection was about capturing the essence of human attitude of mercy. In the course of scientific analyzes, it was stated that the attitude of mercy manifests itself in showing to those in need the respect of their dignity in entrusting to God. The last stage of reflection was to present multiple forms of human attitude of mercy. These include: do not judge your fellow men, show them forgiveness and support them in any need. Thus, by giving mercy to the other, man fulfills himself in humanity and gives testimony to God.
