پژوهش نامه معارف قرآنی (Dec 2021)
Explaining the Interpretive Theories of Female Inheritance Absolutely or Limitedly from the Husband's Property Emphasizing the Analysis and Critique of Tafsir al-Furqan
A study of the Holy Qur'an and related texts, such as books on commentary and jurisprudential sources, shows that the issue of "inheritance" is one of the most important Islamic issues. In several verses of the Holy Qur'an, in addition to raising the issue of inheritance, many details have been stated that this revelation is due to the attention of the holy sharia of Islam to inherit. On the other hand, among recent commentators and jurists, Dr. Mohammad Sadeghi Tehrani can Quranic and jurisprudential scholars have criticized and analyzed their theories. This article is a step in this direction. In the beginning, after the introductory topics, the biography and works mentioned were introduced. Then, his views on inheritance issues related to "a woman's inheritance from her husband's estate" were mentioned along with Quranic arguments with their jurisprudence. From an honest point of view, a woman inherits from the same land (and not exclusively the price of the land) and in the right to inherit, there is a difference between women (permanent and non-permanent, old and young and old, priced and otherwise, with and without children) does not have. The detail between movable and immovable property is contrary to reason, justice, and custom, and finally, the narrations related to the discussion of inheritance cannot be preceded by the verses of the Holy Qur'an. These views of Mr. Tehrani have been considered by contemporaries