Red U (Aug 2014)

The equity aspect within the framework of the assessment of the quality of Higher Education: Developing indicators to identify students with a higher risk of failure at university with a view to improving equality of chances of success

  • Stéphanie Malaise,
  • Nathanaël Friant,
  • Marc Demeuse

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
pp. 119 – 141


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Since 2004, the quality of Higher Education in French-speaking Belgium is assessed by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (AEQES). Towards this end, each establishment whose academic programmes are reviewed is required to undertake a self-assessment on the basis of a framework listing the aspects to be taken into account. Following an update in 2013, this framework now includes an aspect that formerly did not receive special attention: equity. By introducing this aspect in its reference framework, AEQES points to the need for universities not only to turn out graduates with relevant skills but also to ensure that all students enjoy equal opportunities to gain a qualification. However, no target group is identified in the framework, so that each establishment must decide on its own which students or groups of students should receive special attention. Against this background, a joint study by three French-speaking Belgian universities (Demeuse et al., 2013) aims to provide guidance for these assessments. The study makes it possible to identify the most “vulnerable” students by testing indicators of relevance within the framework of differentiated financing for higher education in French-speaking Belgium. The authors first of all define the concepts “quality” and “equity”, and then move on to present indicators for identifying students with a higher risk of academic failure in higher education. An analysis of the performance of university undergraduates – in terms of success or failure - makes it possible to quantify the impact of different variables.
