Записки з романо-германської філології (May 2019)
ENGLISH CONCEPT HAIR (sociocultural aspect)
The article is devoted to the consideration of the features of the verbalization of the English concept HAIR. The purpose of the work is to examine the socio-cultural features of the verbalization of the English concept HAIR as a fragment of the English-language picture of the world. In different cultures hair was given special attention. Human hair is associated with many beliefs and traditions in all cultures of the world, which finds confirmation in numerous myths. The English concept HAIR is a fragment of the conceptual picture of the world, which is reflected in the language picture of the world, namely in its three fragments, verbalized by the constituents of the lexicalsemantic groups, distinguished according to the somatic feature: head hair, facial hair, body hair. The prototype of short hair for men and long for women is laid down in the Bible texts. A deviation from this standard is a marker of atypicalness and is therefore discussed in a special way. Excessive length of male hair is explained, in particular, in legends about Samson. Authorized absence / removal of hair is associated with special rituals. The analysis showed that the analyzed concept HAIR has the following aspects of verbalization in the English-speaking world: gender (male / female haircuts), age (white hair), professional (military cuts), religious (tonsure) and social group (mohawk, spiked hairstyle). The prospects for further research are seen in the consideration of the mentioned aspects of verbalization on the material of English artistic speech.