Nuclear Engineering and Technology (Aug 2024)
Assessment of TRACE code for modeling of passive safety system during long transient SBO via PKL/SACO facility
Passive safety systems are integrated into the latest generation of Light Water Reactors (LWRs), including small modular reactors. This paper employs the US-NRC TRACE thermal hydraulic code to examine the performance of a passive safety condenser known as SACO, designed to serve as the ultimate heat sink for dissipating decay heat during accident scenarios. The TRACE model is constructed with reference to the PKL/SACO test facility. The safety condenser (SACO) is interconnected with the PKL facility via the secondary side of steam generator 1, effectively serving as a third natural circulation cooling loop during accident scenarios. In the present research, the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the PKL facility is investigated in the presence of the SACO passive safety system during an extended SBO with Loss of AC Power accident scenario. This SBO can be categorized into three distinct phases depending on the activation of the SACO system and the refilling process of the SACO pool. The first phase is depressurizing using primary and secondary relief valves, the second phase is cooling down using SACO system, and the third phase is the refilling of SACO pool. The findings indicate that the SACO system effectively manages to dissipate all decay heat, even though there is temporary evaporation of the SACO water pool. Furthermore, this study provides sensitivity analysis for the assessments of system codes on the selection of maximum time step.