Journal of Biological Researches (Feb 2012)
Bioremediasi tumpahan minyak mentah dengan metode biostimulasi nutrien organik di lingkungan pantai Surabaya Timur
The purpose of this paper was to present effects of nutrients in the bioremediation process of spilled crude oil in a coastal environment. An emphasis is directed at looking at effectiveness of organic-based nutrients in that process using a method of bio-stimulation. An insitu test was undertaken in a coastal area, located at the East side of Surabaya City, Indonesia, by making multiple trial compartments, with a size of 0.5 × 0.5 m2 each; and the space between the compartments is 0.25 m. At every compartment, one liter of crude oil was spilled. Three days later, it was added with organic-based nutrient on the treatment (0.2; 0.3 and 0.4 kg/kg soil).