Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Philologica (Oct 2024)
Zwei Beiträge zum comes Orientis Iulianus, dem Onkel Kaiser Julians
This is a study of two questions concerning the life of Iulianus (who was comes Orientis under his nephew, the emperor Julian). The first part identifies the unnamed uncle of Julian and lover of chariot races in Misopogon 5 [340a] not as Iulianus, as usually assumed, but as Constantine the Great. The second part shows that the Christian wife of Iulianus, who is first mentioned in Theodoret (Hist. eccl. III, 13, 2–3), is an invention inspired by the wife of Pilate (Mt 27, 19). The first appendix offers a few additional notes on Constantia as the alleged name for Julian’s sister. The second appendix is a complete prosopographical entry for Iulianus.