Муниципалитет: экономика и управление (Dec 2023)
Advanced education as a form of individual socialization in modern society (using the example of the "Ekaterinburg City" municipality)
Introduction. Advanced vocational education is becoming an increasingly significant factor in the professional and labor socialization of an individual. The growing need of the economy for highly qualified specialists who are able to adapt to the constantly changing professional conditions in the context of digitalization of all spheres of society requires new ways of staff training, one of which is advanced vocational education. The emergence of the information society and artificial intelligence are shaping the development trends of modern society. In these conditions, advanced education and professional and labor socialization of the individual are considered as one of the directions for increasing the competitiveness of graduates of educational institutions. Materials. Ensuring the competitiveness of graduates of vocational education institutions requires new methodological approaches to training, changes in educational programs and new teaching methods. Experts in this field admit that vocational education lags behind modern economic requirements; problems have arisen within the pedagogical system - content, methodology and teaching methods. The most important problem is also the discrepancy between the structure of trained personnel and the needs of the labor market for specialists of a certain profile, certain professions. As a result, some graduates of vocational education institutions cannot find work while there are excessive low-demanded professions in the labor market. Another consequence of such contradiction is a large number of graduates working in a profession or specialty other than the degree they graduated with. Methodology and research methods – system analysis, mass questionnaire survey of students to study professional values, criteria for choosing a specialty and attitude towards the profession. Results and conclusions. Contradictory processes of professional socialization of an individual in the framework of the coming changes in the economic and sociocultural spheres of society have provided for unique trends in the professional education development in the conditions of information society. The leading one is advanced vocational education. The task of educational institutions of vocational training is to develop methodology, programs and methods for training specialists in accordance with the needs of the modern economy.