Majallah-i Dānishgāh-i ̒Ulūm-i Pizishkī-i Bābul (Nov 2014)

The relationship between gingivitis and periodontitis with β-thalassemia disease

  • ahmad tamaddoni,
  • majid fereidooni,
  • sorayya khafri,
  • maryam faghani

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 11
pp. 22 – 27


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Objective:Thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder of hemoglobin synthesis by reducing alpha or beta globin chains is determined. The main symptoms of the disease include bone deformities, especially in the skull, maxilla and zygoma and dental decay and periodontal disease. Given the higher prevalence of dental complications in these patients, we can prevent or treat complications of thalassemia patients by early diagnosis and treatment, thus in this study we examined the relationship between gingivitis and periodontitis with β-thalassemia disease. Methods and Materials: This case - control study of 50 patients with thalassemia major and thalassemia center Amirkola 15-35 years and 50 healthy individuals as a control group of healthy people examined. For patients with a questionnaire includes general information (such as gender, age, etc.) and clinical examination information such as gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD) and attachment loss (AL) and the oral health index-simplified (OHI-S) was completed. Results: The mean age of the patients and healthy subjects, respectively, 23/92 ± 5/591 and 23/98 ± 6/554. Average Indexed Health 2/18 ± 0/77 in the patient group versus 1/2 ± 0/81 control group and no statistical differences were not statistically significant (P= 0/635). Intermediate GI patients, significantly more than the healthy controls (respectively 1/28 ± 0/73, 0/94 ± 0/59 and P =0/014) well as pocket depth in patients 0/4 ± 0/53 and the control group 0/12 ± 0/33 and mean attachment loss in patients 0/4 ± 0/53 and the control group 0/08 ± 0/27, respectively. Differences were statistically significant level (respectively P = 0/003 and P <0/001) Discussion and conclusion: Among the examined parameters, periodontal indexes in patients with thalassemia were significantly higher than normal group which show more prevalence of periodontal disease and gingival, as a result, we can prevent and early treat complications and problems caused by the thalassemia by continuously track and periodic monitoring the status of patients.
