Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica (Jul 2017)

Formazione e lavoro. Il dialogo fondamentale per la scuola italiana contemporanea

  • Silvia Annamaria Scandurra

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 2
pp. 229 – 246


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The continuous transformations of our society urged to rethink the modalities of participation of the individual in public life and re-evaluate education as truly human formative activity. In order to recompose the fundamental circular unity between theorìa, téchne, phrònesis, the system of education and training has been involved, in recent years, in an epistemological transformation of the teaching-learning finalized to approach the world of the school to the world of the job through the methodologies of the apprenticeship and the alternation school-job understood as antidotes to the lower part levels of juvenile occupation and to the high-level of early school leaving.
