Journal of Medicinal Plants (May 2013)
Changes in Agronomical and Phytochemical Yield of Purple Coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea (L.) Moench) Under Urea and Three Biofertilizers Application
Background: Nutrition is an important factor in plant growth and phytochemical compound. Application of natural fertilizers in medicinal plants production can improve their yield and medicinal indices. Objective: This study investigated the possibility of substituting chemical fertalizers by biofertalizer (Nitroxin, biophosPhorus and bioSulfur) in purple coneflower production. We compared vegetative yield and total phenolic compounds of purple coneflower in response to biofertalizers and chemical nitrogen. Methods: Experiment was conducted at field of Tarbiat Modares University on 2009-2010 growing seasons using a RCBD with three replications. Twelve experimental treatments included: chemical nitrogen as urea (C), biosulfur (S), biophosphorus (P) nitroxin(N), urea+biosulfur(CS), urea+biophosphorus(CP), urea+nitroxin(CN), biophosphorus+biosulfur(PS), Nitroxin+biosulfur(NS), nitroxin + biophosphorus(NP), integration of three biofertilizers (NPS) and the control (without fertalizers). Results: Treatments had significant effect (p≤ 0.05) on the number of lateral branches, number of flowers, diameter of flower, stem and root, plant height, root length, dry biological yeild, harvest index, plant nitrogen and phosphor content. NP treatment produced maximum leaf dry weight, biological yield, root length, root and stem diameter and number of lateral branches. Conclusion: Biofertilizers improved yield of purple coneflower. The NP treatment could be introduced as a superior treatment in quantitative traits. Also the PS treatment with the highest yield of root phenolic compound (%116 more than control) could be identified as the best nutritional system for quality. Therfore biofertilisers application can decrease the chemical fertilizer consumption and can bring us closer to the goals of sustainable agriculture.