Glottopol (Jan 2022)
Écriture en wolof, pratiques glottopolitiques et stratégies de normalisation langagière
This contribution is a glottopolitical survey of Wolof. We analyzed there literary and linguistic practices for the “vitalization” of the main language of Senegal, which is weaken by the official linguistic policy. Macro-glottopolitics is the initiative of Non-Governmental Organizations, militant associations, linguists and writers through the creation of book publishing houses in local languages and the publication of texts written in Wolof and translations from French. Micro-glottopolitics is the initiative put forward by an individual writer who proposes a standardization of the language of Wolof. The text is, therefore, a tool for terminological reflection. Glottopolitical practices highlights a sociolinguistic dynamic. In other words, writing, translation and terminological standardization are devices that allow the language to sustain the battle of positioning in the linguistic field perceptible in the media and the administration.