Educación (Apr 2008)
Percepción de estrés, experiencias académicas estresantes y afrontamiento en los estudios Una investigación comparativa entre estudiantes de educación de Perú y Suecia
This study focuses on the stress perception, stressful academic situations, andstress management strategies in studies of Swedish and Peruvian students from ateacher-training program. The research design that is applied for this purpose iscomparative. The sample includes Swedish and Peruvian second year students andadministrative staff from a teacher-training program. The research instruments arequestionnaires and interviews.Percepción de estrés, experiencias académicasestresantes y afrontamiento en los estudiosUna investigación comparativa entre estudiantesde educación de Perú y SueciaMaría del PilarGonzález VigilEducación Vol. XVII, N° 32, marzo 2008, pp. 49-66 / ISSN 1019-940350Educación Vol. XVII, N° 32, 2008 / ISSN 1019-9403María del Pilar González VigilThe main findings of this study indicate that in spite of the cultural differences,both groups of students present as many similarities as differences. On theone hand, Swedish and Peruvian students present some similarities consideringspecific stressful academic situations; their perception of stress as negative intheir academic performance, emotional state and health; their variable competenceto manage stress in studies; and their desire for having a course on stressmanagement. On the other hand, both groups manifest a particular profile in theway they perceive stress, experience specific stress effects, and manage stressfulacademic situations. These findings show the importance of education in stressmanagement strategies, taking cultural differences into account. This will allowstudents to handle stressful academic situations and deliver performance accordingto their capacities.