Revista Electronic@ Educare (Jun 2003)

Favorecer la colaboración por medio de las Tic: el nuevo desafío de la formación práctica de los futuros profesores y profesoras

  • Thierry Karsenti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 4
pp. 159 – 177


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This article contributes to the understanding of the advantages of using comunication and information technologies in practical training of secondary teachers in the context of a teacher training program of the University of Quebec in Hull, Canadá. Utilizing a qualitative analysis methodology, the messages of two groups of teaching students are analyzed in a context of a collaborative learning, integrating communication and information technologies (electronic multimedia-forum Web-site). The content analysis of the messages sample resulting from teaching students interactions points out the learning experiences exchange on school daily situations, for example: sharing personal experiences, professional feedback pedagogic counseling, stimuli and solidarity; in addition, the scarce of their questioning personal positions. Numerous collaborations testify that the professional exchanges and the experiences shared conform a learning community, in which teachers feel stimulated and more confident for developing their professional competence.