Časopis pro Moderní Filologii (Jul 2019)
Módní a nezbytné anglicismy ve vztahu k sociálním oblastem a k jejich výslovnosti a pravopisu
This paper focuses on the distinction between luxury and necessary borrowings from English (i.e. Anglicisms) and the relationship between these borrowings, the domains in which they are used and their pronunciation and orthography. I put forward a hypothesis that the ratio of luxury and necessary borrowings differs within different domains and that this has an impact on the pronunciation and orthography of the borrowings; I tested this hypothesis by analysing 500 Anglicisms. The results confirm that (1) there is a difference in the distribution of luxury or necessary Anglicisms within different domains and (2) necessary Anglicisms are more often pronounced according to their original orthography than luxury Anglicisms. However, I also detected a strong association between the period in which Anglicisms were borrowed and the manner in which they were adopted; therefore, it was not possible to identify a direct link between the type of borrowing and pronunciation, and further research is required to confirm the above hypothesis.