Vìsnik Unìversitetu ìmenì Alʹfreda Nobelâ: Serìâ Pedagogìka ì Psihologiâ (Jul 2023)
In the modern socio-economic context of the development of educational systems, the processes of globalization and internationalization play an important role, which determine the reformation of higher education. Competition and cooperation between educational and scientific organizations are intensifying all over the world, the exchange of students, teachers, graduate students and researchers is intensifying, distance education is becoming widespread, and the role of continuing education is growing. The purpose of the research is to identify and justify system-wide trends in the renewal of European education. The main task of this research is to determine the mechanisms and characterize the orientation of the renewal of the European education system under the conditions of internationalization and globalization. The methodological basis of the research consists of: the general scientific principle of objectivity; the principle of historical and logical unity; systemic and contextual approach, principle of interconnection; sociological, cultural and pedagogical concepts. It is determined that today the European Union is one of the world leaders in research and innovation. It is scientific knowledge, experience, high standards of the research, developed research infrastructure that guarantee many years of successful cooperation between the EU and other countries. At the present stage, investments in higher education and vocational training are considered as the most important factor in enhancing the EU’s competitiveness and ensuring the constant growth of its economy. The development of higher education is perceived as the most important prerequisite for achieving the economic, social and environmental goals set in 2000 in Lisbon. Higher education is the core of the new European society, based on the knowledge. The article considers the direction of transformations carried out in the higher education systems of the European Union countries in the context of the internationalization of education. The strategic goal of reforming the European education system is to increase its competitiveness in the international space and modernize economies. In the political and public circles of the European Union, the opinion has been established that since human resources are the most important wealth of the EU, education policy should be the main factor in the processes of knowledge creation and transfer, which, in turn, crucially determine the innovative potential of the society. In this regard, the main goal is to provide equal and open opportunities for people of all ages to receive high-quality education and to gain diverse educational experiences throughout Europe. Education systems are a key link in the implementation of this concept. This paper traces the dynamics of the external dimension in the political and socioeconomic contexts. The Maastricht Treaty of 1992 established the basis for the EU cooperation within higher education. It stipulated the commitment of the member countries to develop education cooperation with third countries and international organizations. The European Commission has called on EU member states to take the necessary measures to reform their education and training systems so that barriers between formal and non-formal learning disappear. To implement this concept, it is necessary to achieve a higher level of interaction between the main participants in this relatively new area: business, social partners and educational institutions.