Laboratorio dell'ISPF (Dec 2017)
Malebranche e la ricerca dell’identità perduta. Fortuna e incerti della sua filosofia tra Otto e Novecento
Malebranche and the Search after Lost Identity. Legacy and Uncertainty of His Philosophy between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Starting from the Œuvres complètes edited by Robinet, the article summarizes the vicissitudes through which the French historical scholarship with its leading figure Victor Cousin have restored the imagine and the correspondence of Malebranche, beginning with the dissemination of the original documents, conserved throughout the eighteenth century by P. Lelong, P. André, and finally P. Adry. In spite of his great historical contribution, the French scholarship generally stressed an inadequate assessment of this philosophy, sharply suspected of spinozism, a judgment inherited by the handbooks of the history of philosophy edited between the XIX and the XX Century, as proved by the case of Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie by Überweg. The article concludes with three minimalist but creative readings of Malebranche by Proust, Heisenberg, Dalì.