Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (Jan 2016)

Web 2.0 for the invigoration and participation of families and communities

  • Verónica Marín Díaz,
  • Begoña Esther Sampedro Requena

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 1
pp. 38 – 43


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The societies of the 21st century have experienced a technological and societal transformation that calls for the precise collaboration between families and education centers, as well as the inclusion of new professionals to invigorate this cooperation to favor a type of education that is adapted to today’s needs. This article presents the more significant results of a research study that tried to determine the ratings manifested by the students in the Social Educator degree of eleven Web 2.0 tools for the educational intervention in the area of invigoration and participation of the family and the community in educational centers. The results show that the social networks and learning environments were the best-rated technological resources for their application in the area of education by the participants of the study. Likewise, the rating was conditioned by factors such as the device used, the degree year or the temporal frequency of internet access.
