Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (Aug 2015)

Intracystic Papillary Carcinoma in Male Breast with High Nuclear Grade: A Case Report

  • Abdulaziz Ajlan M. Al Salloom

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 8
pp. ED04 – ED05


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Intracystic papillary carcinoma (IPC) in men is an extremely rare disease that accounts for less than 1% of all malignancies with only a few case presentations published so far. This report presents a case of 53-year-old male, who presented a painless swelling of his left breast. The left breast mass was 6 cm maximally and was found to be non-invasive IPC. The tumour is consistently positive for GCDFP15, ER or PR and negative for HER-2. It consists of predominantly fibrovascular stromal lined by monotonous epithelial cells retaining intermediate to high histological grade with a high nuclear cytoplasmic ratio. In addition, increased numbers of mitotic figures were also seen. Chest X-ray, liver ultrasound and bone centigram showed no evidence of distant metastases. In short, this is the first case report from Saudi Arabia of a male having IPC, with increased number of mitotic figures and high nuclear grades.
