Enhancing the Light-Extraction Efficiency of AlGaN-Based Deep-Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes by Optimizing the Diameter and Tilt of the Aluminum Sidewall
Yung-Min Pai,
Chih-Hao Lin,
Chun-Fu Lee,
Chun-Peng Lin,
Cheng-Huan Chen,
Hao-Chung Kuo,
Zhi-Ting Ye
Yung-Min Pai
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Chih-Hao Lin
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Chun-Fu Lee
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Chun-Peng Lin
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Cheng-Huan Chen
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Hao-Chung Kuo
Department of Photonics and Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Zhi-Ting Ye
Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National United University, 2, Lienda, Miaoli 26063, Taiwan
To realize high-efficiency AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs), enhancing their light-extraction efficiency (LEE) is crucial. This paper proposes an aluminum-based sidewall reflector structure that could replace the conventional ceramic-based packaging method. We design optimization simulations and experimental results demonstrated the light power output could be enhanced 18.38% of DUV-LEDs packaged with the aluminum-based sidewall.