Sport Mont (Mar 2011)
Globalization, a phenomenon on the rise, is characterized by the free cross-border movement of individuals, technologies, and capital. It has far-reaching consequences for tourism, too, as it implies travel for leisure and business, and correspondingly, financial transfers between various nation states.International tourism is an economical activity which generates global revenues of approximately 733 billion USD. The arrivals from the international tourism have set an actual record, according to the WTO, there have been 846 million tourists, the little part of that cake belongs to Serbia. Furthermore good tourism industry is a highly labour intensive industry and focus has been on tourism workforce. Permanent education through modern programs of education like distance learning, or the others offer solutions for problems on labor market in tourism which are result of the world economy crises, and transition in business environment of Serbia. Further research is needed to investigate this issue in more detail and on an individual basis for each marketing strategy to gain more detailed and meaningful results which should help to form specific marketing strategies for each tourism labor market.