Омский научный вестник: Серия "Общество. История. Современность" (Dec 2024)
Siberian Cadet Corps in 1899 as viewed by War Minister Aleksey N. Kuropatkin and Colonel Count Georgiy A. Bobrinsky
Based on the materials of the Russian State Military Historical Archive, which have being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time, the article examines the history of visits to the Siberian Cadet Corps and to the Preparatory Boarding School of the Siberian Cossack Host by the War Minister of the Russian Empire, Adjutant General Aleksey N. Kuropatkin. There have been no special studies of this visit. The theoretical basis of this research is a combination of anthropological and institutional approaches with the principle of consistency and the problem–based method. The trip to Siberia was carried out in order to personally familiarize the War Minister with the state of the Siberian Military District created shortly before, as well as with its largest points, one of which was Omsk. The importance of this visit is noted for assessing the household condition of the Corps and setting up the educational process in it. It is found that the main identified shortcomings are the lack of plumbing and modern sewerage, a small gym, an unsuccessful daily routine and unsatisfactory teaching of foreign languages. The article first publishes the «Report on the inspection of the Siberian Cadet Corps» on September 30– October 5, 1899, accompanied by the War Minister, Colonel Count Georgiy A. Bobrinsky. It is concluded that this is one of the most detailed descriptions of the Corps at the turn of the XIX–XX century, which is of great value for the study of the history of military educational institutions not only in Siberia, but also in the Russian Empire as a whole.