Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (Dec 1978)

Tratamiento de la toxoplasmosis, observaciones en 112 pacientes

  • Francisco Biagi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 1
pp. 17 – 21


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En los últimos 5 anos hemos tratado 112 casos de toxoplasmosis. La mayor parte presentaba abortos o coriorretinitis; algunos presentaban meningo-encefalitis, miocarditis y otras formas. Ocho por ciento de los pacientes presentaban dos cuadros anatomoclínicos de toxoplasmosis. Se administro en forma alterna pirimetamina, sulfametopirazina o espiramicina durante períodos prolongados, practicando reacción de Sabin y Feldman cada tres meses. La meta es negativizar la prueba serológica, la cual generalmente logramos. Clinicamente se aprecia curación al observar la desaparición de los fenômenos inflamatorios en el fondo del ojo, la desaparición de adenopatías u otros signos clínicos, ó el desarrollo de embarazos normales con productos normales en mujeres abortadoras. Considerando los graves problemas que hemos visto en hijos de madres con toxoplasmosis, preferimos tratar a éstas antes de nuevos embarazos.Along the last five years we have treated 112 cases of toxoplasmosis. The majority of them had abortion or corioretinitis; a few had meningo-encephalities, miocarditis or other forms: 8% o f the patients had two anatomoclinical pictures at the same time. The patients received pyrimethamine, sulphametopyrazine, or spiromycine on alternating periods for several months. A Sabin and Feldman test was repeated every three months. The target was obtaining negative serology, th is was accomplished on the majority of the cases. From the clinical stand point cure was supported by disapearance of inflamatory findings on the fundus, disappearing of adenopathy or other signs, as for the achievement of normal pregnancies with normal children in women with repeated abortion. Taking into account the serious secuelae that we have seen on children from mothers with toxoplasmosis, we prefer to treat the women before new pregnancies.