Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart (Jan 1996)

Bodengeographische Beobachtungen zur pleistozänen und holozänen Vergletscherung des Westlichen Tienshan (Usbekistan)

  • W. Zech,
  • R. Bäumler,
  • O. Savoskul,
  • A. Ni,
  • M. Petrov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 46
pp. 144 – 151


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Soil geographic studies were carried out in the Oigaing valley between Ugamsky and Pskemsky range NE of Tashkent (W-Tienshan, Republic of Uzbekistan) with special regard to the Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation. Clear end moraines of the last main glaciation are preserved at the junction of Maidan and Oigaing river at 1500-1600 m a.s.l. They show intensively weathered soils with a depth of more than 80 cm. Similar deposits ol presumably Pleistocene or late glacial origin are also located upvalley at the embouchure of numerous side valleys (Beschtor, Tekesch, Aütor) into the main valley of Oigaing. All side valleys are characterized by late glacial ground and end moraines in 2500-2700 m a.s.l. showing intensively weathered brown colored soils of 30-40 cm depth. Further moraines of Holocene or recent origin are located approach of the recent glaciers which descend to 3000-3200 m. They show shallow, initial soils, and presumably correspond with glacial advances during the so-called "Little Ice Age" with a maximum advance at about 1850 in the Alps, and in the middle Holocene at about 2000 or 4000 a BP. Highly weathered, and rubefied interglacial soils developed from old Quaternary gravel are preserved above high glacial ice marginal grounds of the last main glaciation (>2850 m a.s.l.) in the lower side valley of the Barkrak river. In the upper valley huge drift could be shown above the ice marginal grounds, but without typical forms of morainic deposits. They give evidence for older glaciations with a greater extent compared with the last main glaciation. However, no corresponding moraines are present in the working area.