Acta Medica Iranica (Jan 1967)
The Radiosensitivity of Cells of the Hemopoietic System
The following results were obtained after a comparison of the blood formula percentages of irradiated and non-irradiated hemopoietic cells in the livers of the embryonic mice.-"n1. The radiosensitivity is higher for white cells than for red ones."n2. The most sensitive cells among the white cells are the megaloblast, followed by myeloblastes, lyrnphoblastes and myelocytes."n3. For the red cell, the most sensitive are the basophyric normoblasts, followed by chrornatophylic normoblasts and finally the nucleoteads cells."n4. The only resistant cells among the white cells are the polymorphonuclear cells. These four points have been demonstrated with some accuracy. It has been shown that the radiosensitivity for cells which are capable to divide and differentiate is higher than for the cells which lack these Properties.