AIMS Mathematics (Apr 2023)

Flat modules and coherent endomorphism rings relative to some matrices

  • Yuedi Zeng

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 6
pp. 14111 – 14131


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Let $ N $ be a left $ R $-module with the endomorphism ring $ S = \text{End}(_{R}N) $. Given two cardinal numbers $ \alpha $ and $ \beta $ and a matrix $ A\in S^{\beta\times\alpha} $, $ N $ is called flat relative to $ A $ in case, for each $ x\in l_{N^{(\beta)}}(A) = \{u\in N^{(\beta)} \mid uA = 0\} $, there are a positive integer $ k $, $ y\in N^{k} $ and a $ k\times \beta $ row-finite matrix $ C $ over $ S $ such that $ CA = 0 $ and $ x = yC $. It is shown that $ N_{S} $ is flat relative to a matrix $ A $ if and only if $ l_{N^{(\beta)}}(A) $ is generated by $ N $. $ S $ is called left coherent relative to $ A $ if Ker$ (_{S}S^{(\beta)}\to _{S}S^{(\beta)}A) $ is finitely generated. It is shown that $ S $ is left coherent relative to $ A $ if and only if Hom$ _{R}(N, l_{N^{n}}(A)) $ is a finitely generated left $ S $-module if and only if $ l_{N^{n}}(A) $ has an add$ (N) $-precover (add$ (N) $ denotes the category of all direct summands of finite direct sums of copies of $ _{R}N $). Regarding applications, new necessary and sufficient conditions for epic (monic, having the unique mapping property) add$ (N) $-precovers of $ l_{N^{(\beta)}}(A) $ are investigated. Also, some new characterizations of left $ n $-semihereditary rings and von Neumann regular rings are given.
