BMC Plant Biology (Mar 2023)
Morphological and physiological adaptation characteristics of lithophytic bryophytes to karst high calcium environment
Abstract Background Lithophytic bryophytes grow on the rock surface, change the habitat on the rock surface through biological karstification, and provide a material basis for the growth of other plants. However, the surface calcium content of bare rock is high. The lithophytic bryophytes may have a special mechanism to adapt to the karst high calcium environment. The present study aimed to explore the physiological regulation process of karst lithophytic bryophytes under high calcium environment, and to provide scientific basis for revealing the maintenance mechanism of karst biodiversity. Results With the increase of Ca2+ concentration, the contents of Pro, SP and MDA of lithophytic bryophytes showed a downward—upward—downward trend. However, when Ca2+ ≥ 400 mmol/L, the contents of Pro and SP changed significantly at 1d, 2d, 3d, 5d and 7d with the extension of culture time, and lithophytic bryophytes died after 2 months of culture. Under different Ca2+ concentrations, the maximum SOD activity of lithophytic bryophytes is 1758.00 (U/g FW), the minimum is 92.60 (U/g FW), the maximum POD activity is 120.88 (U/g FW), and the minimum is 4.80 (U/g FW). The antioxidative activity of of Hyophila involuta are higher than that of Didymodon constrictus and Eurohypnum leptothallum, and its enzyme activity changed significantly with the increase of calcium concentration and time.At the same time, the contents of TChl, Chla, and Chlb in lithophytic bryophytes decreased with the increase of Ca2+ concentration. When Ca2+ = 400 mmol/L, the contents of TChl and Chla were the lowest, but when Ca2+ > 400 mmol/L, they began to increase. In addition, ABA is negatively correlated with TChl and Chla, and positively correlated with ROS. It shows that ABA has a certain role in regulating the adaptation of lithophytic bryophytes to high calcium environment. Conclusions Lithophytic bryophytes have strong calcium tolerance, and their physiological response to high calcium stress is different from vascular bundle plants. The general stress principle is not applicable to lithophytic bryophytes. The response of lithophytic bryophytes to the change of Ca2+concentration is slow, showing passive response or inert response.