Next Materials (Apr 2025)
Waste of aluminum composite material applied to cement-based mortars and their chemical, microstructural, and mechanical properties
Aluminum composite material (ACM) is associated with a high consumption of natural resources, and its production consumes high energy levels and a considerable volume of waste. Given this consequence, alternative solutions for ACM waste are necessary. This work evaluates the chemical, structural, microstructural, and mechanical characteristics of incorporating ACM board waste in producing plaster mortars. The results of the chemical XRF data revealed high concentrations of the calcium system in the ACM mortars. In addition, the XRF analyses showed that the incorporation of ACM affects the homogeneity of the material composition. XRD data showed crystalline phases of Quartz (SiO₂), Portlandite (Ca(OH)₂), Calcinite (CaCO₃), and Ettringite (Et. Ca₆Al₂(SO₄)₃ (OH)₁₂.₂₆H₂O), which were also verified from SEM experiments. In addition, mortars ACM5 and ACM10 presented similar %C concentrations. It was evident that high levels of ACM incorporation substantially increased the %C on the material's surface. These %C concentrations on the surface of the mortars evidence the presence of the polymeric material ACM on the surface of the mortars. Low concentrations of %Si and %Ca on the surfaces of ACM20 and ACM25 also revealed a low presence of SiO2 and calcium systems (Portlandite and CSH). Considering high levels of ACM incorporation in mortars and observing the results, the ACM residue acts as a polymeric coating on the material's surface.