Edukacja Ustawiczna Dorosłych (Dec 2023)
Future-oriented Innovative Practices for Human Resources Development
Dynamic changes taking place on the labour market justify the need for constant development of competences. Competences necessary in the future will comprise two categories: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and soft competences (e.g. creativity, dealing with uncertainty, unpredictability, and quick adaptation to the changing environment) (Dębkowska et al., 2022, Klowden & Lim, 2021, Sala et al., 2020). However, competence gaps between competences acquired in education and market demand by companies are observed (Bauer et al, 2011, Haukka, 2011). Moreover, investigations clearly show that people do not learn well as passive recipients of knowledge delivered by experts. Effective learning requires active engagement in the process (Serrano et al., 2019, Bolstad et al., 2012). The paper is aimed at analysing teaching-learning methods and proposing methods which could be used in the formal education system to acquire future-oriented competences. The author proposes to apply foresight and Futures Literacy approaches allowing, on the one hand, for active participation, and on the other hand, for the acquisition of particularly needed soft futureoriented competences, mainly dealing with uncertainty and unpredictability.