Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (Jan 2014)

Tuberculous lymph node calcification detected on routine panoramic radiography: An unusual case

  • Kaan Gunduz,
  • Gozde Canitezer,
  • Hakan Avsever

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2
pp. 61 – 63


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Tuberculosis is one of the oldest and the most fatal diseases in the world. Cervical lymph node calcifications caused by tuberculosis are usually asymptomatic and may be found on a routine panoramic survey. This report describes the case of an asymptomatic 78-year-old patient whose panoramic radiograph showed bilaterally, irregularly shaped, massive, multiple calcified lymph nodes. We suggest that lymph node calcifications may have caused owing to delay in the diagnosis and the successful treatment.
