SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2022)
Development of journalism genres in the literature of the peoples of the north of Yakutia
The paper considers the problem of the development of journalism genres in the literature of the peoples of the North of Yakutia. The writers of the North, becoming fighters for the preservation of the original way of life and economy of the northerners, national culture and the native language, often bring the problems of modern life to the public debate. The first author of journalism was the founder of Yukagir literature N.I. Spridonov-Teki Odulok (1906-1938), who in many ways laid down its basic principles. His traditions were cought up by S. Kurilov, G. Kurilov, N. Kurilov, A. Krivoshapkin. All of them, developing journalism genres – a sketch, an essay, an article, put such global problems of mankind as ethnic disaster, ecology and disappearance of the native language, culture. The pain for the fate of the people becomes the leitmotif of all their writings. Journalistic pathos becomes an integral part of their fiction works. In general, their works are characterized by stark realism, when writers boldly tell the truth about reality and have their own civic position. By setting the national problems of the northerners, their journalism received a universal sound. According to the statesman of our time and the people’s writer of the republic A.V. Krivoshapkin, many problems of the North and the Arctic can be combined by the efforts of all peoples of the countries and the world.