Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis (Dec 2019)
Žydų kariai Lietuvos (lietuvių) Nepriklausomybės (1919–1923 m.) kovose: ką žinome apie jų motyvus? | Jewish Soldiers in the Lithuanian War of Independence (1919–1923): What do We Know about the Reasons behind their Engagement?
Historians believe that between 2,000 and 4,000 Jewish soldiers took part in the struggle for Lithuanian independence in 1919–1923, of whom at least 500 joined the Lithuanian army as volunteers. Although recent research casts doubt on these figures, it is clear that only a small number of Lithuanian Jews joined the fledgling Lithuanian army. One explanation for this could be the deliberate intentions of the leadership of the Lithuanian armed forces to avoid active Jewish involvement, since Jews were not trusted. Despite the atmosphere of mistrust, some Lithuanian Jews chose to join the Lithuanian army. The article tries to establish what motives led to their decision. The discussion may help find answers to the often-raised and still relevant questions about Jewish-Lithuanian political relations during the period of the creation of the modern Lithuanian state.