New Reactions of Contraction of the o‑Quinone Ring with the Formation of Derivatives of 2‑(2-Indolyl)-cyclopenta[b]pyrrole-3,4-diones and Pyrindino[1,2-a]indoles: A Combined Experimental and Density Functional Theory Investigation
Yurii A. Sayapin,
Igor V. Dorogan,
Evgeny A. Gusakov,
Duong Nghia Bang,
Valery V. Tkachev,
Inna Olegovna Tupaeva,
Dai Lam Tran,
Trang Van Nguyen,
Toan Ngoc Duong,
Hoang Vu Dinh,
Tatyana A. Krasnikova,
Serguei M. Aldoshin,
Vladimir I. Minkin
Yurii A. Sayapin
Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science, Rostov on Don, Russia
Igor V. Dorogan
Southern Federal University, Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Rostov na Donu, Russia
Evgeny A. Gusakov
Southern Federal University, Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Rostov na Donu, Russia
Duong Nghia Bang
Thai Nguyen University of Sciences, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
Valery V. Tkachev
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Inna Olegovna Tupaeva
Southern Federal University, Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Rostov na Donu, Russia
Dai Lam Tran
Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Trang Van Nguyen
Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Toan Ngoc Duong
Thai Nguyen University of Education, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
Hoang Vu Dinh
Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Ha Noi, Vietnam
Tatyana A. Krasnikova
Southern Federal University, Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Rostov na Donu, Russia
Serguei M. Aldoshin
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Moscow, Russia
Vladimir I. Minkin
Southern Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Science, Rostov on Don, Russia