Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia (Jan 2010)

Fratura do quadril: avaliação pós-operatória do resultado clínico e funcional Hip fracture: post-operative evaluation of clinical and functional outcomes

  • Marcelo Teodoro Ezequiel Guerra,
  • Thomas Alexandre Thober,
  • André Vicente Bigolin,
  • Marcos Paulo de Souza,
  • Simone Echeveste

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 45, no. 6
pp. 577 – 582


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado clínico e funcional dos pacientes submetidos à cirurgia por fratura do quadril relacionando com o escore ASA e com tempo para o tratamento cirúrgico definitivo. MÉTODOS: No período de um ano foram operados 154 pacientes com 65 anos ou mais, com fratura do quadril. Dados sobre o escore pré-operatório ASA e sobre o tempo de espera para a cirurgia foram obtidos. Dois anos após a cirurgia, foi aplicado o questionário Escore de Recuperação Funcional de Zuckerman (ERF) como examinadorda capacidade funcional atual dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade no primeiro ano pós-operatório apresentou diferença entre pacientes com ASA 3 ou 4 em relação aos classificados como ASA 1 ou 2 (dado significante p OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes of patients submitted to surgery for hip fracture through the ASA score and time for definitive surgical treatment. METHOD: During one year, 154 patients with hip fractures, aged 65 years and over, were operated on. Data from the pre-operative ASA score and time awaiting operation were obtained. Two years after the operation, Zuckerman's Functional Recovery Score (FRS) questionnaire was used to assess the current functional capacity of the patients. RESULTS: Mortality in the first post-operative year was different between patients with an ASA 3 or 4 compared to those classified as ASA 1 or 2 group (significant data p0.05). There was no significant difference between the group operated within 48 hours of admission and the group operated after 48 hours in relation to mortality or current functional capacity (p>0.05). The group aged 80 and over showed significantly higher mortality than the group aged 65 to 79 years through the end of the second post-operative year (p>0.05). CONCLUSION: A preoperative ASA score and an age of 80 or over may be considered factors associated with higher mortality two years post-operatively after hip fracture. In isolation, time awaiting surgery was not significant.
