Nordisk Barnehageforskning (Feb 2009)

Førskolelærere om barns oppholdstid i barnehagen

  • Birgitte Johansen

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 3


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Norway is facing full day care coverage and most children have full time places. The local authorities responsible for the day care sector are framed by New Public Management principles of governing urging for more efficient and user oriented day care services. Full time day care is vital for adult worker families. Yet, historically there is evidence for scepticism towards full time day care in Norway, also among preschool teachers. There is little knowledge about present perceptions amongst preschool teachers of the best time for children to spend in day care. This is relevant to explore given the importance of expertise and knowledge in the government of parents and parental choices. The article analyses textual data from a survey and interview data and explores Norwegian preschool teachers’ understanding of the best period of time for children to spend in day care. The analysis is framed by day care organisation discourses and Norwegian discourses of family, childhood and parenting. It discusses the apparent ambivalence on the issue among the preschool teachers linked to their position as professionals in relation to parents. Preschool teachers, children's time in day care, new public management, working parents
