Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research (Nov 2016)
To Study the Correlation of Thompson Scoring in Predicting Early Neonatal Outcome in Post Asphyxiated Term Neonates
Introduction: Throughout the world each year, an estimated 23% of the 4 million neonatal deaths and 8% of all deaths in <5 years of age are associated with signs of asphyxia at birth. Aim: To study the role of cord arterial blood gas analysis at birth and serial Thompson score in predicting the early neonatal outcome in post asphyxiated term neonates. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in Department of Paediatrics, in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Hindu Rao Hospital, New Delhi from May 2014 to February. 2015. This study was a prospective cross-sectional study. During this period, a total of 145 post asphyxiated term neonates born in labour room/obstetric operation theatre were recruited. An informed consent was taken from all the parents. The protocol was approved by the institutional ethical committee. Inclusion criteria were full-term babies with lowApgar score i.e., 1 min score of ≤ 7 National Neonatal Perinatal Database 2010 (NNPD 2010). Statistical Analysis: SPSS 17.0 Software has been used for data analysis. The data were expressed in terms of Means, Standard Deviation and Proportion, followed by comparison between groups through chi-square test or Fisher’s-exact test. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: The present study was carried out on 145 post asphyxiated full-term babies with low-Apgar score i.e., 1min score of ≤7mild Thompson score on day I,2,3 were 96 (66.2%), 119 (82.06%), 125 (86.20%), moderate Thompson score on day 1,3, 7 were 13 (8.9%), 6 (4.13%), 2 (1.37%) and severe Thompson score on day 1, 3, 7 were 36 (24.8%), 13 (8.96%), 7 (4.82%) respectively. Total 11 patients died out of 145 post asphyxiated full-term babies within 7 days, among 11 patients, 7 died within 3 days. There was clinical improvement among HIE patients as indicated by serial Thompson score done on day 1, 3 and 7. Among 145 patients 62(42.8%) had seizure and 83(57.2%) did not have seizure. Most common type of seizure was subtle seizure in 25 (40.3%) followed by multifocal in 21 (33.9%) and tonic in 16(25.8%). Conclusion: There is statistically significant correlation between morbidity and day 1 Thompson score (p-value 0.024). There is statistically significant correlation between mortality and day 1 Thompson score (p-value 0.001). Thompson score allows a very precise description of infants by assigning a numeric score rather than ‘mild’, ‘moderate’ or ‘severe’. Inter-rater reliability is very good with a kappa coefficient of 0.87.