جامعه شناسی کاربردی (Jun 2017)

Sociological approach to the Social movement of Blacks in America (Analysis of Origins, processes and outcomes)

  • alireza samiei,
  • Emran Kiani,
  • ali mohammadi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 28, no. 2
pp. 129 – 146


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Introduction Social movements are the type of the protest collective behavior that have emerged in modern societies. These movements organized a collective endeavor of significant part of the population that aims to change the thought, behavior and social relationships. Black movement in North America a prime example of this type of movement. More than a century African-American by providing any political opportunity in America, protested and strive to achieve equal rights with whites. This campaign, especially from the 1960s, has produced a lot of ups and downs in relations the black community with the government of this country. A recent example is the killing of 18-year-old Michael Brown of black America by police in Ferguson that prompted the massive response and public anger of black America against the policy of racial discrimination of the country's sovereignty. Accordingly, the main question of this study is that: what’s the causes and motives of revitalization and protests over the past few years in the community of black America? In response to this question, based on resource mobilization theory (the framework and structure of political opportunity) this hypothesis put to the test that: the black movement As a result of convergence the individual objectives and goals of the movement and existence of discontents and grievances such as racism, institutionalized discrimination and unequal and weak social and economic status of blacks in American society and also creating political opportunities such as the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, election and increasing the number of black officials "have been activated and thereby provided the groundwork for collective action is. Materials and Methods Research method of this article is qualitative (causal explanation type), based on documentary sources and secondary data. To explanation the issue, the resource mobilization theory which includes the framework and political opportunity theory is used. Traditionally, this theory regarded social movements as political actors and knows them the continuation of political organizations such as political parties and groups the pressure. Theory of Structures of "political opportunity" that lies within a tradition of resource mobilization theory, more to the point, how resources mobilized by social movements for solving social discontents. Political opportunity theory, emphasis on the presence or absence of political opportunities. McAdams believes that the form of mobilization and it’s time is influenced by the perceived political opportunities. People through "framework" define dissatisfaction, build collective identity and to create, interpret and transform opportunities for social movements. Social movements by linking individual perceptions with the perceptions of the movement throughout the process that Snow calls it "rallying framework" trying to attract and activate its fans and followers. Of Framework-building theory of Snow is used to describe and analyze why the movement activate and how the frameworks, marked dissatisfaction for members. And how the movements with interpretation of issues, situations, events and emphasize on unbearable social conditions of some of its members, mobilizing their followers. Discussion of Results and Conclusions In sum, based on the results of the article, the political and social conditions of the blacks in America society and also political-economic structures is the main factor for the black movement. To be precise, Inequality in wealth and quality of life is the main dissatisfaction of the blacks. According to the latest statistics, about 12 percent of America's total population are blacks. While about 31.9 percent of total arrests in this country are blacks. Segregation in the economy has been expanding in 2011 and at the beginning of the economic crisis, 1.91 percent of African - Americans and 91.5 percent of Latinos- Americans were homeowners. Rules in America interpreted by black people judges and police in such a way that traces of segregation evident on it. Published reports suggest that the New York police in 2011 has stopped 700,000 persons that 85 percent of them were African-American. The result of such discrimination is institutionalized violence against ethnic minorities. Differences in socio-economic status, including differences in the distribution of wealth, income and access to resources is negatively affected the individuals of society. Class divisions in America, a financial burden caused by successive wars continued and costly to taxpayers, led to the socioeconomic inequalities in society and eventually lead to racial discrimination is America. From the view point of this research, in the last few years, the arrival of a black president and the formation of the Occupy Wall Street movement, political-needed opportunity to keep the black movement has created. At these events the black movement in America, with the definition and interpretation of the events could encouraged their supporters to collective action against ruled policies. The existence of racial, judicial and economic discrimination have produced long-term incentives and events such as Ferguson has provided short-term motives of expansion of the black movement in America. Therefore, the blacks community of America have used every political opportunity to protesting the discrimination against blacks in America were trying to transform and change in thought, behavior, social relationships ,causing changes in power relations of the society and state.
