Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny (Apr 2023)

Learning Strategies Used by Multilingual Learners

  • Grażyna Maria Krasowicz-Kupis,
  • Mateusz Jan Dudka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 42, no. 1
pp. 101 – 121


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Introduction: The issue of learning effectiveness and the role of the learner in the whole process is still an interesting field of research. Among the competences of the future, the report Future of Skills. Employment in 2030 mentions the active acquisition of knowledge and its meaningful use including the use of learning strategies. Research Aim: The aim of this text was to compare the language learning strategies used by multilingual and bilingual learners. Method: Sixty individuals participated in our study. The adapted Language Learning Strategies Inventory (SILL) translated by E. Olejarczuk and the Cattell’s Culture Neutral Test of Fluid Intelligence (CFT-20-R) were used to control the intellectual level. Results: The obtained results prove that there are statistically significant differences between bilingual and multilingual groups in the use of language learning strategies. The level of fluid intelligence does not differentiate the groups. Conclusion: The research problem presented in this text can provide heuristics for further research in the area related to language learning and its psychological determinants.
