Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat (Apr 2021)
Žanriõpetus kui ainekirjaoskuse tugi: esimene katseuuring
Eestis on veel vähe juurdunud ainekirjaoskus kui ainealaste tekstide eripärast lähtuv lugemine-kirjutamine. Ainekirjaoskus on viis, kuidas ainepädevust ja üldist kirjaoskuse taset ning keeleteadlikkust lõimitult arendada. Üldisele lugemisele ja kirjutamisele keskenduvad meetodid võivad osutuda kasutuks, sest ei arvesta ainevaldkonna eripära, tekstiliike ja ‑toiminguid. Süsteemfunktsionaalsel keeleteoorial tuginev tekstikeskne lähenemine, sh žanriõpetus, ühendab keeleõppe mis tahes valdkonna- või aineõppega ning on üha enam juurdumas ka ainealase kirjaoskuse õpetamisse. Siinse uuringu eesmärk on katsetada žanriõpetust ainekirjaoskuse arendamise toena. Sekkumisuuringu esimese katsetsükli tulemused näitavad, et ainetekstikeskne keeleõpetus on õpetajatele ja õpilastele keeruline, kuid teeb õpiprotsessi nähtavaks ja toetab sügavuti õppimist. *** 'Genre pedagogy to promote disciplinary literacy: Pilot intervention' Disciplinary literacy (DL) as subject-specific reading and writing (Moje 2008) is one way to develop content area knowledge, literacy skills and raise language awareness in an integrated way. DL sets texts as disciplinary social acts in focus and shares therefore common ground with SFL rooted genre pedagogy, which combines learning and language and is increasingly taking place as a DL practise. This study attempts to apply genre pedagogy as a suitable methodical framework to develop DL in the Estonian context. The aim of this first pilot cycle of the design based study is to gain knowledge on how genre pedagogy could support disciplinary literacy. Based on the outcomes, the design of intervention, materials and methods are improved to carry out future cycles. The pilot study was implemented in one Estonian K-14 school, as a part of a whole school history project. Genre pedagogy-based activities were implemented in L1 Estonian classrooms where students learned how to write a description of church. The participants were two teachers of L1 Estonian and their 82 students. Lessons were recorded, follow-up interviews with teachers were carried out, students’ descriptions, pre- and post-tests were analysed. The results show that text-centered disciplinary teaching is complex and distant for both teachers and students, but makes the learning process visible and supports deep learning. Descriptive text as a pre-genre needs more scaffolding due to the unfamiliar process of text-analysis and deconstruction. The article poses a R2L based framework for the next intervention cycle.