Nigerian Journal of Technological Development (Dec 2023)
Impact of deposition voltage on the physical properties of rare earth element doped strontium sulphide for optoelectronic application
In this study, electrochemical deposition was used to synthesize SrS-doped zirconium materials at a varying voltage of deposition. The XRD result shows that SrS/Zr has a prominent peak intensity corresponding to 2theta values of 26.45o, 33.86o, 38.01o, and 51.49o. The crystal lattice is shown by the prominent peak intensity with higher 2theta degree values; the appearance of an unindexed peak is caused by the substrate utilized for the deposition. SrS surface morphology reveals a Clove-like surface with precipitate visible in the SrS micrograph; the large grain size on the surface of the substrate exhibits photon absorption but lacks any signs of pinholes. At the introduction of zirconium as a dopant to the SrS precursor, there was a drastic change in the precursor which is also noticed on the surface micrograph of the analyzed films. The films show a decrease in thickness from 129.14 to 120.09 nm and an increase in film resistivity from 1.24 x 109 to 1.29 x 109 ohm.m, which further led to a decrease in conductivity from 8.06 x 108 to 7.75 x 108 S/m. The impact of the deposition voltage on the reflectance reveals that lower voltage will stabilize the reflectance of SrS/Zr which will be useful for photovoltaic applications. SrS has an energy bandgap of 1.50 eV while SrS/Zr with bandgap energy of 2.00 – 2.50 eV.