Éducation et Socialisation ()

Parole d’excluEs : croisement des savoirs, des pouvoirs et des pratiques au sein de l’Incubateur universitaire Parole d’excluEs

  • Jean-Marc Fontan,
  • Isabel Heck

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 45


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This article presents a portrait of the collaborative working environment that was set up in 2007 with the creation of the Parole d’excluEs Incubator (Incubateur universitaire). We present the framework for the emergence and development of this action research system, which was conceived as an extramural extension of the research activities of two researchers from two Quebec universities. This initiative, initially centered on a university-driven research mechanism, was enriched with a strong field dimension when Parole d’excluEs decided to dedicate a human resource for R&D. This enrichment illustrates a way of internalizing research and developing capacity within a social development organization. The ten years of joint work between these two knowledge-producing environments have given rise to collaborative arrangements that are presented and analyzed. Particular attention is given to the process of knowledge co-construction that took place within the Incubator and Parole d’excluEs.
