Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Sep 2015)
Teknik Pencetakan Altered Cast pada Pembuatan Gigi Tiruan Sebagian Lepas dengan Perluasan Distal
Making a distal extension removable partial denture is difficult because of tissue ward movement of the partial denture. Two structures that support distal extension removable partial denture (teeth and mucosa) differ markedly in their viscoelastic response to loading. Some factors that can give support for distal extension removable partial denture are extension of the base, the type of impression, and tightness of contact between the base and mucosa. All of these factors can be achieved by using altered cast impression. The procedures of altered cast impressions are physiologic adjustment of the metal framework, making self-cured acrylic resin individual tray on the metal framework, border molding the individual tray and finally making final impression. The master model is cut on the edentulous region and then the metal frame work with final impression is seated on the master model. The procedure is continued by making boxing before pouring stone gyps on the impression. Santana describes an accurate procedure for registering the jaw relation and making the altered cast impression during the same session as the frame work try in for the removable partial denture.